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That being said, you'll also need to grease the muffler bearings; replace the summer air in the tires with winter air; depending upon its age, replace your nickle-plated high compression dipstick; manually open the "710" cap and check for fluid build-up. If you want to "hop-up" the engine to get more power, install a rubber camshaft. As the RPMs increase the rubber stretches giving the valves more lift. Depending upon weather conditions you also might want to sharpen the wiper blades
And just think, if crash had been due to a problem with a Magneto, she'd have thought they were blaming it on the X-Men and assumed she was being spoofed..

Some years ago a friend of mine was being interviewed about his 1929 Waco biplane. At the time a commuter airliner had crashed and there was much in the news about questions over the dihedral of the horizontal tail. The reporter asked to see a dihedral and my friend pointed to one of the struts for the horizontal tail on the Waco. In that case it was much easier to do that than to try and explain what dihedral really was.
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Yea sarcasm is a dangerous weapon than can bite both ways. Many year ago my car slid off the road into a 3 foot deep snow drift. In loafers and dress sacks with no shovel or gloves I was trying with a piece of cardboard to remove enough snow to get back on the highway. A Good Samaritan stopped, rolled down his window and said in all seriousness "What's wrong? Car stuck in the snow?" Not known for good judgement, me mouth took over: "Nope, engine died and I'm digging a hole to bury it"
After blinking a few times, he rolled up his window a drove off

You mean you couldn't just frighten/intimidate the snow into melting away from your car? I'm disappointed in you, Mike! Then again, perhaps it was the loafers. They don't present the most threatening visage!!
I remember years ago we had a local reporter who covered the circle track racing I participated in.
He didn't know a Ford from a Chevy, didn't know a straight 4 from a V8. Never even took the time to learn how to spell our names. A lot of mechanical ignorance all rolled up in one person.

Evidently just showed up, took a few quick notes. Went home wrote a story, no evidence of any proof reading.
When me and others complained about the inaccurate press releases , we were told that we should be satisfied to get any coverage at all.

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