With all the bad news about pet snakes...

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
With all the bad news about pet snakes...

Dog drags newborn from family home in Kentucky

Associated Press

Posted: 07/21/2009 07:45:06 AM PDT
Updated: 07/21/2009 07:45:06 AM PDT

LEXINGTON, Ky. — A newborn baby was hospitalized in critical condition after being taken from his crib and carried outside his central Kentucky home by a family dog, authorities said today.

The infant, Alexander James Smith, is just a few days old and had been put in his crib for a nap Monday afternoon. When his parents looked outside later, they saw their pet, a 4-year-old mixed breed called a Native American Indian dog, holding the baby in his mouth, said Jessamine County chief deputy sheriff Allen Peel.

The baby's father, Michael Smith, rushed outside and chased the dog into a wooded area behind the home near Nicholasville, just south of Lexington. It took the father about 10 minutes to recover his son about 200 yards behind the home, Peel said.

"It's unreal," Peel said.

The baby was taken to the University of Kentucky Hospital in Lexington, where he was listed in critical condition early Tuesday. Peel said the baby suffered multiple punctures and bruises.

The dog, named Dakota, was taken by local animal control officials and was being quarantined.

No charges have been filed, and the case remains under investigation, Peel said.

Dog drags newborn from family home in Kentucky - San Jose Mercury News
That's pretty scary. I would find a new home for that animal if it were mine. It certainly would not be allowed back in my home after something like that.
Pointing the finger at dogs
or pointing the finger away from snakes?

With multiple punctures and bruises inflicted on the child, the dog's clearly got a serious behavioural problem, I've no idea what its fate is going to be. What does quarantine mean in the US, that it's suspected of carrying a serious disease eg rabies? Or just a sort of dog prison cell until they decide what to do with it?

It means some dogs are dangerous, it doesn't make 12ft Burmese Pythons less dangerous (or 13ft ones, if you fancy a crack at 'gators for the top of the food chain title).
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Probably jealous' of the new arrival in the household. Still, it's not good, and the animal would have been destroyed in the UK with immediate effect.
I'd take the dog out back and shoot it! There is no need for a dog that almost killed your kid.

Doughboy, I wouldn't touch it.

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Think about it....The dog was there first and then comes this little noise maker that steals all the attention, and the dog didnt know any better.

I wouldnt shoot the dog.
Think about it....The dog was there first and then comes this little noise maker that steals all the attention, and the dog didnt know any better.

I wouldnt shoot the dog.
I'm not sure that's typical canine behaviour
though I stress I'm no animal behaviourist, family dogs tend to recognise human offspring as important, if young members of the pack, something else for them to keep an eye on; the quality that humans mostly value in dogs is their unwavering loyalty.

Sibling rivalry on the other hand, is something that doesn't appreciate the attention being diverted.

I don't think there's any room for ambiguity here, the owner saw the dog with the child and had to run after him, the child was badly wounded and I don't think a pathological investigation is going to reveal the teeth marks of an animal other than the dog's.

If that's a pic of the dog further back in the thread, it looks more like a wolf to me.
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