WW2 and Airplanes of today and Air tactics

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Here is a small question before you all go running for information, has the origonal poster been talking or asked to help focus this surch?

CC Question what are the best sites for P.108 info? I am looking, but seem to be falling short.
i doubt he evn remebers us, but it's still fun to do it anyway, and crazy, what's meant by model and type, i assume model means the mark for which you have the data?
yup, i think this is what weve got so far:

Crazy: USAAF

GermansRGeniuses: German fighters

Lanc: RAF Bombers

C.C: Regia Aeronautica and Luftwaffe experimental planes

OK the RAF fighters are my weakest lot but I can give it a go if that is still needed. Let me know. I am also willing to work with others.

Question with regards to the RAF fighters, is that to cover the Naval Air Arm? I notice we have not looked at that for the USN.

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