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How would I put this into questions and answers? Would i put what army retreated from the first battle of marine? Germans. Where did the German army retreat to and dig trenches? Aisne. I can't think of more? Is what I've done so far ok or can they be worded better? I make questions from every sentence and then decide which to keep and which to erase, I never know which to erase.
How would I put this into questions and answers?

What do you want to put into the questions and answeres? I have posted the questions with answeres in my prevous post on tthe page back. So the recent part of your read has been covered with them, IMHO.
This was the last thread from you.
How Galleni sent the reinforcements to General Joffre? He used Parisian taxis.
What was the result of the Gelleni's idea of using taxis? The French Army stopped and forced Germans to retreat.
Yes these are the points posted there. I would say these are enough to cover the part of the reading you posted there too.
I want to say that retreat from marine and trenches dug at Aisne then aliens dug trenches àround the Germans
As memo serves it had been already said somewhere before.

However you can say it in the way ..

What was the result of the Battle of Marne? The victory of the French Army and BEF.
What the German Army did? They retreated at the Asine river and dug trenches there.

BTW.. "Allies dug trenches around Germans". The sentence sounds a little bit strange I would say. The French Army and BEF didn't encircle Germans there. Just they approached the German defense line and then stopped digging their own trenches in front of the german's line and along the line.
Cqn i say, the BEF and French army won? Can i say what did the German army do at the first battle of marne? Retreated to the Aisne river where they dug trenches?
This is my list from yesterday, do i need to say about the Race to the Sea or is it fine the way it is?
First Battle of Marne – 5 Sepember1914
How did Gallieni send reinforcements to General Joffre? He used taxis
What was the result of Gallieni's idea of using taxis? It forced the German army to retreat.
Who led the German army to defeat the Russians in East Prussia?
Paul Von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff.
What Russian commander committed suicide? Alexander Samsonov
When was the first Russian army defeated by the German army? September 1914
When was the second Russian army defeated by the German army? August 1914
What was the result of the first Battle of Marne? French army and BEF won
What did the German army do when they lost the First Battle of Marne? They retreated to the Aisne river and dug trenches.
It looks good. However I would suggest the order of points...

First Battle of Marne – 5 Sepember1914
How did Gallieni send reinforcements to General Joffre? He used taxis
What was the result of Gallieni's idea of using taxis? It stopped the Germans' advance.
What was the result of the first Battle of Marne? French army and BEF won
What did the German army do when they lost the First Battle of Marne? They retreated to the Aisne river and dug trenches.
Who led the German army to defeat the Russians in East Prussia? Paul Von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff.
When was the second Russian army defeated by the German army? August 1914
What Russian commander committed suicide? Alexander Samsonov
When was the first Russian army defeated by the German army? September 1914

and here you may add one or two points about the Race to the Sea....
How do these sound? i struggled defining Race to the Sea.

First Battle of Marne – 5 Sepember1914
How did Gallieni send more troops to General Joffre? He used taxis
What was the result of Gallieni's idea of using taxis? It forced the German army to retreat.
What was the result of the first Battle of Marne? French army and BEF won
What did the German army do when they lost the First Battle of Marne? They retreated to the Aisne river and dug trenches.
Who led the German army to defeat the Russians in East Prussia? Paul Von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff.
When was the second Russian army defeated by the German army? August 1914
What Russian commander committed suicide? Alexander Samsonov
When was the first Russian army defeated by the German army? September 1914

What was the Race to the Sea? Allies and German army digging trenches across France
What was the Race to the Sea? Allies and German army digging trenches across France

Alec, I have repeated that twice or more times .. the Race to the Sea wasn't the digging of trenches across the France. It was several French and German attacks for encircling enemy . Each of these attacks ended with no victory for any side. As a result both armies were digging the trenches for its own defence. Each time the line of trenches was made longer and longer going more and more to the north untill it reached the North Sea.
this is what my book says about Race to the Sea.
Paris was safe and now it was the turn of the Germans to retreat. They fell back, forty miles north, to the River Aisne where they stopped and dug in. The Allies tried to dislodge the Germans from their defensive positions but, failing to do so, began to dig their own trenches. General Joffre moved part of his force northwards of the Aisne to try and outflank the Germans. The Germans, now led by Erich von Falkenhayn, moved a comparable number of men to block Joffre's manoeuvre. Joffre repeated his tactic – as did the Germans, each side constructing trenches as it went along. It developed in what became known as the 'Race to the Sea' as each army tried to out lap the other until they both hit the Channel. A similar charade extended the line of trenches south from the Aisne to the Swiss border.

I don't know how to word it.
this is what my book says about Race to the Sea.
Paris was safe and now it was the turn of the Germans to retreat. They fell back, forty miles north, to the River Aisne where they stopped and dug in. The Allies tried to dislodge the Germans from their defensive positions but, failing to do so, began to dig their own trenches. General Joffre moved part of his force northwards of the Aisne to try and outflank the Germans. The Germans, now led by Erich von Falkenhayn, moved a comparable number of men to block Joffre's manoeuvre. Joffre repeated his tactic – as did the Germans, each side constructing trenches as it went along. It developed in what became known as the 'Race to the Sea' as each army tried to out lap the other until they both hit the Channel. A similar charade extended the line of trenches south from the Aisne to the Swiss border.

I don't know how to word it.

Here I have made bold the part of the text that says about the tactic used. The red text says what the Race to the Sea was. Especially the part with the red underlined sentence.

Here how you may word that..

What was the Race to the Sea? The number of French and German attempts to outflank enemy.
ok im sorry that i didnt understand. Do these sound ok?
First Battle of Marne – 5 Sepember1914
How did Gallieni send more troops to General Joffre? He used taxis
What was the result of Gallieni's idea of using taxis? It forced the German army to retreat.
What was the result of the first Battle of Marne? French army and BEF won
What did the German army do when they lost the First Battle of Marne? They retreated to the Aisne river and dug trenches.
Who led the German army to defeat the Russians in East Prussia? Paul Von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff.
When was the second Russian army defeated by the German army? August 1914
What Russian commander committed suicide? Alexander Samsonov
When was the first Russian army defeated by the German army? September 1914
What was the Race to the Sea? French and German attempts to outflank each other .

what does outflank mean?
i thought you said they didnt encircle? im sorry im confused, is outflank to move around the enemy or move in front of the enemy??
i thought you said they didnt encircle?
Yes, neither the French Army+BEF nor the German Army were able to encircle their enemy.

im sorry im confused, is outflank to move around the enemy or move in front of the enemy??

It is "move around". Actually that's the military term for a way of encircling enemy.

Alec I would suggest improving your vocabulary. It will allow you to understand more about what we talk about here.
Hi im trying to decide which facts to keep and which aren't that important. I was thinking of erasing point numbers, 3,5 and 10, what do you think?

First Battle of Marne – 5 Sepember1914
How did Gallieni send more troops to General Joffre? He used taxis
What was the result of Gallieni's idea of using taxis? It forced the German army to retreat.
What was the result of the first Battle of Marne? French army and BEF won
What did the German army do when they lost the First Battle of Marne? They retreated to the Aisne river and dug trenches.
Who led the German army to defeat the Russians in East Prussia? Paul Von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff.
When was the second Russian army defeated by the German army? August 1914
What Russian commander committed suicide? Alexander Samsonov
When was the first Russian army defeated by the German army? September 1914
What was the Race to the Sea? French and German attempts to outflank each other .
Yes you can delete these points. Also the point 8 can be erased.

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