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Jul 30, 2024
What a wonderful thing y'all are doing here!! I hope to take what clues I can gather here i.e. names, dates, places and make a more complete picture of what these flags saw. I'm horribly curious about the temple stamps as well. Without the story its just a piece of cloth. Thank you so much!🙏[-o<

P.S. I just bought two more yesterday I wanted to include here but they are very hard to read because of the folds. I wont subject you to that! o_O When those get properly framed and become more clear I'll come back with them.


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I don't know how it will be for others but I do hate translation job because it not only requests me to be a machine for it but takes a lot of my time and energy. Please give me a few days for them requested but this will be the end of my service if such an request should not be modest.
Yes, I am annoyed so much:(

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