Hi, newby here, Just thought I'd join in and make an abstract comment. Here is my take on it: WW3? Yes, gonna happen. In my lifetime: Hope not! When it comes to nations a Armys, Navy's, Air force's, Police, FBI, etc, it all boils down to this question: Do you have the infrastructure (supply, maintance, food, water, amuniton, etc) to take care of your forces? China has a MASSIVE military. (Weak Navy, mediocre Air Force) Can they invade a foreign country? Absolutely! 2 or 3 or 4? Absolutely! But can they sustain thier misson: Domination of the continent, possily more? I think not. A small country with a small miltary force (50-100,00) that is well INTFRASTUCTED, could repel them. Just a note on who I am: Former US Marine (E8), MOS: 0331: 0341, 21 years. Now part of the infrastructure in S. Koea and proud of it!