WWI Fokker Monoplanes

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Sep 25, 2024
Hello everyone!
Like the vast majority here, I am passionate about aviation, especially fighter aviation.
And while looking at some books, I came across some interesting Fokker projects.
Unfortunately, I didn't find much content about them.

This Fokker V25 for example.
It looks like a Fokker DVIII with a low wing.
I would say that the Polikarpov I-16 has some inspiration from this model.

But what I found most interesting was this V-23 model, which looks like a Fokker DVII with a mid-wing.

The V-29 with parasol wing which was basically a DVIII with DVII engine.

If anyone has more information about them, such as speed, maneuverability and can share, it would be interesting.
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