WWII Timeline 2

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Jul 28, 2003
Chino, California, U.S.A.
1 Jan 42 Declaration of the United Nations signed by 26 nations.
1 Jan 42 Soviet troops begins offensive against Finland.
2 Jan 42 Japanese troops capture Manila, Philippines.
10 Jan 42 Japanese troops invade Netherlands East Indies.
11 Jan 42 Japanese troops capture Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
12 Jan 42 Japanese troops invade Burma.
13 Jan 42 German U-boats begin an offensive along east coast of USA.
13 Jan 42 Soviet troops recapture Kiev.
20 Jan 42 SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich chairs to the Wannsee Conference to coordinate the "Final
Solution of the Jewish Question".
21 Jan 42 German troops in North Africa begins an offensive.
25 Jan 42 Japanese troops land on the Salomon Islands.
26 Jan 42 The first American troops arrive in Britain.
15 Feb 42 Japanese troops capture Singapore.
19 Feb 42 Japanese troops capture Bali.
20 Feb 42 Japanese troops capture Timor.
8 Mar 42 Japanese troops capture Rangoon, Burma.
9 Mar 42 Japanese troops capture Java.
20 Mar 42 First use of the gaschambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Apr 42 Japanese-Americans sent to relocation camps.
18 Apr 42 USA bombs Tokyo and Yokohama. (Doolittle raid)
1 May 42 Japanese troops capture Mandalay, Burma.
4 May 42 Battle of the Coral Sea. Japan loses aircraft carrier Shoho and USA loses USS Lexington.
6 May 42 British troops capture Madagascar.
6 May 42 The American troops on Philippines surrenders.
8 May 42 German troops begin offensive on the Crimea.
22 May 42 Mexico declare war on the axis powers.
27 May 42 Assination attempt on Reinhard Heydrich in Prague. He dies 4 June.
28 May 42 German troops capture Kharkov.
4 June 42 Battle of Midway ends with one American aircraft (USS Yorktown) and four Japanese (Akagi, Kaga,
Soryu and Hiryu) aircraft carriers sunk.
10 June 42 German troops destroys Lidicie in retaliation of the murder of Heydrich.
21 June 42 German troops capture Tobruk, Libya.
24 June v German troops enter Egypt
3 July 42 German troops capture Sevastopol.
3 July 42 Japanese troops land at Guadalcanal.
22 July 42 Deportation of Jews from Warsaw to Treblinka begins.
27 July 42 German troops capture Rostov.
7 Aug 42 American troops land on Guadalcanal.
12 Aug 42 Churchill and Stalin meet in Moscow.
19 Aug 42 Failed allied raid on Dieppe.
22 Aug 42 Brazil declares war on Germany and Italy.
31 Aug 42 German troops attack the British at El Alamein.
16 Sep 42 German troops reach Stalingrad.
23 Oct 42 Battle of El Alamein begins.
8 Nov 42 The Allies land in north-west Africa (Operation Torch).
11 Nov 42 German troops invade Vichy France.
11 Nov 42 British troops enters Libya.
13 Nov 42 British troops capture Tobruk.
19 Nov 42 Soviet troops begin counter-offensive at Stalingrad.
27 Nov 42 The French fleet in Toulon is sunk.
30 Nov 42 Fierce German resistance halts the allied offensive in North Africa.
18 Dec 42 The allies declare that the crimes against Jews will be avenged.

2 Jan 43 German troops begin a withdrawal from the Caucasus.
8 Jan 43 The uprising in the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw begins.
10 Jan 43 Soviet troops begin offensive at Stalingrad.
14 Jan 43 Casablanca conference between Churchill and Roosevelt. Roosevelt announces the war can end only
with an unconditional German surrender.
18 Jan 43 German troops begin a counter-offensive in Tunisia.
23 Jan 43 British troops halt the German offensive and captures Tripoli.
31 Jan 43 German troops at Stalingrad surrender.
4 Feb 43 British troops enter Tunisia from Libya.
8 Feb 43 Soviet troops recapture Kursk.
8 Feb 43 US troops capture Gaudalcanal.
14 Feb 43 Soviet troops recapture Rostov.
16 Feb 43 Soviet troops recapture Kharkov.
15 Mar 43 German troops capture Kharkov.
7 Apr 43 Bolivia declares war on the axis powers.
19 Apr 43 German troops attack the Warsaw ghetto.
26 Apr 43 Stalin severs all contact with the polish government in exile.
4 May 43 The allies begin the final offensive in Tunisia.
7 May 43 The allies capture Tunis.
13 May 43 The German and Italian troops in North Africa surrenders.
16 May 43 The Warsaw ghetto uprising is put down and the ghetto destroyed.
17 May 43 Royal Air Force bomb the Ruhr.
18 May 43 The allies begin bombing the island of Pantelleria.
11 June 43 Pantelleria surrenders.
5 July 43 German offensive at Kurks (the last large German offensive on the Eastern front).
9 July 43 The allies land in Sicily. (Operation Husky)
22 July 43 The allies capture Palermo.
25 July 43 Benito Mussolini is ousted by the Great Fascist Council and replaced by Pietro Badoglio.
1 Aug 43 Japanese puppet-regime founded in Burma.
23 Aug 43 Soviet troops recapture Kharkov.
3 Sep 43 Allied troops land on the Italian mainland.
3 Sep 43 Italy signs armistice.
8 Sep 43 Italian surrender announced.
9 Sep 43 The allies capture Taranto, Italien.
10 Sep 43 German troops capture Rome.
11 Sep 43 German counter-offensive at Salerno.
12 Sep 43 German troops led by Otto Skorzeny liberate Mussolini.
17 Sep 43 German offensive halted at Salerno.
18 Sep 43 The allies capture Sardinia.
23 Sep 43 Mussolini proclaims Repubblica Sociale Italiana (RSI) in the (German controlled) northern Italy.
25 Sep 43 Soviet troops recapture Smolensk.
1 Oct 43 The allies capture Neapel.
4 Oct 43 German troops capture Kos.
4 Oct 43 The allies capture Corsica.
13 Oct 43 Italy declares war on Germany
6 Nov 43 Soviet troops recapture Kiev.
28 Nov 43 Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin meet in Teheran.

12 Jan 44 Allied troops attack Monte Cassino, Italy.
14 Jan 44 Soviet troops begin an offensive against Finland.
15 Jan 44 Soviet troops begin a counter-offensive at Leningrad.
16 Jan 44 Dwight D Eisenhower named commander of the allied forces.
22 Jan 44 The allies land at Anzio, Italy.
27 Jan 44 The German siege of Leningrad is lifted.
6 Feb 44 Soviet troops begin an large offensive in the Ukraine.
6 Feb 44 Kwajalein is captured by the allies.
12 Feb 44 Finland discuss peace terms with the soviet ambassador to Stockholm.
21 Feb 44 Hideki Tojo becomes military dictator in Japan.
22 Feb 44 Soviet Union bombs Stockholm, Sweden.
26 Feb 44 Soviet Union performs massive bomb raids on Helsinki.
19 Mar 44 German troops occupy Hungary.
10 Apr 44 Soviet troops recapture Odessa.
19 Apr 44 Japanese troops capture Zhengzhou, China.
1 May 44 Japanese troops capture Xuchang, China.
9 May 44 Soviet troops recapture Sevastopol.
12 May 44 Germans surrender in the Crimea.
18 May 44 Allied troops capture Monte Cassino.
25 May 44 Japanese troops capture Luoyang, China.
4 June 44 The allies capture Rome.
6 June 44 D-Day. The allies land in Normandy.
9 June 44 Soviet troops begin a large offensive against Finland.
13 June 44 First German V-1 bomb is launched on Britain.
20 June 44 Soviet troops capture Viborg, Finland.
21 June 44 Finland sues for peace.
22 June 44 Soviet Union demands unconditional surrender.
27 June 44 American troops capture Cherburg.

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