XP-39 II - The Groundhog Day Thread

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Wait - didn't the Japanese have long range sea otters with groundhog hangars behind their conning towers? In the stormy north Pacific, the ride is much less nutsack-shrinking two hundred feet down. A fleet of these could have devastated the west coast. Good thing they didn't think of it!

No, no, NO!!! The Japanese used inflatable groundhogs with underslung nutsacks which relied on high-altitude jetstreams to carry the groundhog over US territory. Accuracy was atrocious and the weapon system had virtually no impact on the war.
What is this...
I-400-class submarine - Wikipedia
...if not a long range sea otter? Huh?

That's NOT a sea otter....THIS is a sea otter:


Note the size of the available deck space, clearly illustrated by the cargo. There is NO WAY any sea otter can carry a fully-laden groundhog, of either African or European variants. I acknowledge that the Far Eastern groundhog is typically slightly smaller than other variants but it's still WAAAYYYY too big to be accommodated on a sea otter.

And just for reference, here's a French sea otter, which can be easily distinguished from other nationalities:


You guys are AMATEURS!!!! :)
Hey mods would you all get upset if I posted a heap of dribble just to get this thread to 100 pages, I'm only asking because everyone has spent so much time and effort on an endless loop of wash rinse and repeat for 96 pages trying to explain why the P39 was never a front line worthy aircraft and I feel making it to triple figures will be a small reward for all their effort.
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