Yet another t-shirt thread

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From a workload point of view the second option is better as I will have less actual extra drawing because most aircraft are from 'stock'

I have completely removed any roundels and flags, and also any mention of air forces or units - so I think it will be less liable to infringe on anything...

Opinions greatly appreciated on 'Plan' or 'Triple' thank you.
Oh, it's probably best to see the choices side-by-side of the same aircraft:


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Sheesh, you'd think that the corporate monster would appreciate FRIKKIN FREE ADVERTISING. Maybe if they got a small fraction of a percentage of a kickback? I dunno. I lost faith in the corporate world a LOOOOONG time ago. Years of servitude in retail slavery will do that to a guy, even one as dense as myself.

Okay, soapbox has been put away. You wouldn't happen to have any artwork with a P38 or B24 on it, would ya Clave?
I have been thinking about production time for new aircraft, copyright issues, and also trying to deal with a technical issue:

a) A lot of time is taken drawing the shading of each new design, and while it looks good, it actually gets in the way when new paint schemes are needed.

b) Copyright is largely, but not always concerned with names such as "RAF" "Lockheed" or specific images of roundel etc. I will avoid these where possible.

c) Printing - printing on material rather than paper leads to poor reproduction of shades of colour, but good quality when solid blocks of colour are used.

In short, my new plan is to produce 'flat plans' in other words a typical 'top down' camouflage scheme that you might find around on the net, but with the same sort of detail as usual (minus a few rivets) so that they will be optimal for t-shirt printing. I will be arranging the new segment by manufacturer as I think people are more likely to want 'Spitfire' t-shirt than say an 'RAAF' shirt - So the spitfire list will only have Spitfires on it, but will cover all countries as they get finished.

'No Doubles' - I'm keeping things as straightforward as possible - So there will only be one 83rd Fighter Squadron razorback Thunderbolt, there may be other squadrons, but no multiple-choice of the same thing....

Right enough blurb, time to put up some previews...


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More previews:


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Last batch of previews for now - opinions welcomed as always.


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So I'm guessing that is the back of the shirt. Anything on the front?

Ah... This never occurred to me, I will have think about this for a while as I was going to put these on the front... but maybe it's not a good idea?

Now I think about it, having a zip-front sweatshirt etc. would spoil the design, so back it is.

All I have to do is think of something 'pocket-sized' to go on the front now... or have nothing?...

I mean what I would love to do is a squadron badge or a roundel, but then I would have to go underground to avoid the wrath of the copyright gods....

I could do a small version of the plane I guess, or a simple bit of text like 'Avro' of something?

Ideas welcome of course, I think this will be my last sustained effort at this idea, and if nothing comes of it, I will probably give up altogether - too much tension...
Please don't give up.

I think it would be great to have the large plan view on the back of clothing, perhaps with a smaller side view at approximately the height of the breast and to the side.
Something like this?


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