Maybe its possible, but I would issue strong words of caution to would be armchair generals. Command of real people and real campaigns is a lot harder than it looks, or is portrayed even in professional excercises. I would be very careful about making claims that go "if they put me in charge I could tinker at the edges and win hands down" Sorry, but you cannot make that claim. You can point out the weaknesses of the historical battle, and how it might be improved. You cannot predict how the opponent will react, and you cannot be sure that the panacea that you so passionately believe in will work quite as well as you think. I happen to think, that the radar network you think so vulnerable, was not nearly as vulnerable overall as you think.. In fact I think it was beyond the capabilites of the LW to eliminate the system, keep it so, and then destroy the RAF as was needed. There are a few attacks historically on which to base that assessment, and nowhere does the historical record show that the LW could complete boith missions successfully or comprehensively. On the few occasions they did manage to knock out the radar network, the resulting exploitation attacks were amongst the most costly the LW undertook . Moreover the stations themselves were never out of action for more than a few hours or days at most, and there was never a comprehensive, region wide knocking out of the system. Quite a few of the commanders on the spot questioned the wisdom of the strategy in the first place, since the object was to draw the RAF into battle and destroy it, not break through and romp allover the countryside.
Maybe you are right. maybe a little tweak here or there might have changed history. Maybe you could succeed, where some of the most experienced and competent german commander s could not. But you cannot prove or even claim any probability to any of those conditions. So dont make them, because they (the claims) cheapens your obvious great knowledge on this topic.