1:1 scale hurricane build

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Airman 1st Class
Mar 24, 2014
Peasmarsh UK
Hi all. A few years ago I started to build a 1:1 scale hurricane. I posted alot of info on here but a couple of years ago I had to sell it as I lost storage. It went to lytham st Anne's and the cockpit was used in the 'hurricane' movie. It since then got sold to someone in sunderland. Anyway I am looking at building another. I have ordered plans and will be starting work shortly. I'm after a replica spade grip and gunsight. Does anyone know of any for sale? I will be posting up pictures as I go of the build. Thanks all
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Good to see you back again, although a shame you had to sell the Hurricane.
I've seen replica spade grips on e-bay not long ago, in the aircraft parts and / or aviation militaria sections. Only ever seen real gun sights, but it shouldn't be too difficult to make a passable replica.
Thank you. I have been in contact with the guy who made them and he doesnt plan to make anymore. I had one with the previous hurricane. I am going to order a 3d printer and have a go but not sure I will be able to do it
If you can find a garage or engineering workshop that can bend tube for you, to make the grip section, that may be a possibility, depending, of course, on how "functional" you want it to be.
One the circular grip has been bent to shape, the rest should be fairly straightforward, including a simulated rubber covering.
The gun button assembly could be fabricated using suitable pipe or cable clamps, with the button and its housing maybe moulded from resin or "Milliput".
The brake handle could probably be sourced from a bicycle spares outlet, with all cables and pneumatic hoses suitably simulated.
Once you have one complete unit, it should then be possible to reproduce more, in resin.
Just a thought.
Yes it a good idea. My plan is to start on the cockpit area. Instrument panel seat column etc and see how it goes. The parts are now alot dearer than 3 years ago when I made the last one
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Here is half of the spade grip being printed


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Very sturdy. Solid plastic. That's it with the brake lever. I may well.make a few extra to fund the project


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And more..... making an early fire button now as well as a later cannon type rocker button


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Excellent !
I was going to suggest that you make more, for sale. I'm sure you'd have a demand, especially if the price was realistic, both for yourself, and the potential market.
I may be interested in one myself, as a display piece, once you're all sorted. PM me when you have a chance, with an idea of costs.
Final finishing, such as painting the brake lever, gun button and surround, I'd be happy to do myself, if that makes things easier.



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