1:1 Spitfire K9817 Cockpit Build

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Thanks Terry, Glenn and Ross

I am not overly happy with this one but if the rest go better and I get confident I will bend a fresh piece for it. It will at least serve as a measuring stick for the others...measuring curves and such in the abstract is not something I find at all easy....and of course when it was straight it couldn't be test fitted.

And Terry, yes, I must disguise that computer better

Ross, sounds great mate. I'm getting itchy fingers just waiting to see it!

Work all day today, so no progress to come until maybe next weekend.

Oh, and Glenn, thanks for the idea about the flexible steel wound piping ..I grabbed a length to do the TR controller cable.
I wouldn't be to hard on myself over the piping Darryl. I think it looks great. Maybe it doesn't look right to you because that bare copper stands out so much. Nothing a coat of paint won't solve. Glad I could be of help with the hose idea, It worked out OK for me and was one of the easer things to work with that I have used, just cut it and stick it on.
bare copper stands out so much. Nothing a coat of paint won't solve. .

Unfortunately Glenn, that is the problem..they have to stay bare metal, no paint. I will probably just give them a clear coat protection. te pipes should be a mixture of brass and copper but I can't easily source brass tubing and the copper will maintain the "metal' look just as well.

Your right about the color of course Darryl, I was thinking about the P-47 where most of that stuff is painted. I looked at some interior pics of the spit to see what you were up against ans was shocked! looks likes a plumbers nightmare. Thats going to be a lot of work, but I think you have made a good start. Here's a couple of pics I have, You may already have them, but if you don't there are a lot more in that series that would be helpful to you, just let me know.


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Thanks Glenn, yes, they are the very two pictures that I am working off. They come for the Anatomy of a Spitfire on the spitfire site. Great reference. I still have to find out whether it is feesable to do all the small pipes (mayby 1/4 inch) and whether I can do brass pipes for some of the bigger stuff. I will probably settle for copper as I have seen a mixture in Spitfires anyway.

Anyway, bed time!
Opinions please guys...

I've received the Seat back with the leather cover done. At the moment it actually extends all the way down the back instead of the classic "half" slip that was used. This has been done with the offer to cut it down if I wish...it can be cut whereas extra couldn't be added after the fact.

Now whilst I would like the actual shape leather seat back, the full back IS a lot more comfortable for long hours (up to 4) in the seat..and my back is not as young as it used to be. AND the PRU were given significant leeway in many areas.

So should I

1: Get it cut down, after all the thing IS supposed to be a scale simulator

2: Tell the rivet counters to %* off, it is a PRU, Private Purchase item to make a long distance pilot's life easier.

How it should be (but mine is BLACK as the early seats should be)

How it is (BAD paintshop job by me!!)

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If it's worth anything Darryl, I'd take a bit of 'poetic licence' think about my comfort and have the seat to suit your needs. I take it you won't be sitting on a parachute....................

If it's worth anything Darryl, I'd take a bit of 'poetic licence' think about my comfort and have the seat to suit your needs. I take it you won't be sitting on a parachute....................

Thanks mate...yes and no...I WILL be sitting on a "parachute"..but one made with a soft cushion hanging down rather than a packed, hard as h*ll 'chute.

Myself I would go for the comfort option. All the time and effort you have put into this amazing piece of work will seem like a waste if the end product is unusable just for the sake of pleasing the purists.
You better not give out your address or you may become a "destination" for all us Aussies in here!!!!!!!!!
Is there golf nearby????
cheers, Bubalo Bill
looks good old chap! The original seat leathers I had (two - wish I had kept one!!! But needed money for the Hurricane) were very dark brown.
Leave it long Darryl. The 'cut-out' was only there to stop the parachute lift webs and back-pad bunching up under the small of the back. I can't be 100% sure after so long, but I think the BBMF's earlier Spits had/have full-length seat covers which, as Tony pointed out, were very dark brown, appearing as near as d*mmit black.
Thanks guys,

Long it stays then! Probably a much better option given my back situation. The purist in me has taken a few hits lately*G*

On another controversial note, I have ordered the mask and helmet (fully functioning) from Sefton Clothing Co. Function won out again over form in that I have elected to go for the Type C late pattern helmet with the E* mask. (and a pair of replica VIII goggles from somewhere else). This squarely puts that rig in 44/45 even though the Spitfire is a mixture Mk I, Mk II, MKV and PR Type G.

I will also be getting an H Type mask to use for real flying (TigerMoth).

Oh well, I guess the best I will be able to say is that it is all a " Wartime" Spitfire.

Quel dommage!

Cheers guys!

Oh, Bubalo Bill, yes golf VERY near.
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