1:1 Spitfire K9817 Cockpit Build

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From now on I will exclude myself from any task concerning the household chores.
One must take care of their physical integrity !!

I'm glad to know you're better Daryl.
On the other hand that seat is looking great, I think it will look great in black.

Wowsa! Nope no more housecleaning for me! Can't remember the movie/book I heard this line in, but it was something along the lines of "everything in Australia can and will try and kill you!"

Very glad it has not affected your modelling skills!
Great work on the seat, but sorry to hear about the spider attack !
I used to always leave spiders to their work, never harming them, until two years ago, when I was bitten on the ankle by a white cross spider.
Bastid thing really got me, and I still have the scar, about an inch and a half in diameter !
So now, anything that even resembles a spider gets the good news !!

Cheers Guys.

Terry, I have had that policy "in the scrub" but around home, anything I see dies. Sounds like you crossed what we out here would call a White Tail. Their venom isn't particularly harmful BUT a lot of people have a bad allergic reaction to it, leading from anywhere between a simple rash to skin necrosis. Bad news! At least with a Redback, after the pain and nausea are gone, there are no after-affects unless you have a weak heart.

On the weekend I managed to get a few brass thumb screws made for Ross for his 3d printed fuse boxes. A nice fun little job. On the "home" front I'm waiting for the roll pins to arrive so I can get in and finish the fuel cocks for both myself and Ross. I've completed the axle, drum and bell rank for his (single lever) Mk V type.
I also received the new, better, stainless steel, Fuel Primer-cock.

It is the correct size (3") and I also found what appears to be a small mistake made on P9374 and N3200... the All Off should not be on the same orientation as the top text but was "righted" like a trophy engraving on a shield. Now this may just have been for the first few aircraft but K9787 and K9942 both show this on a good enough photograph. So I've chosen to go with it. I just have to drill it in the press at 12/3/6/9 for 4BA countersunk screws.

The old one I had made from ali was too big and had the text as per P9374.... I will now have to remake the lever as well, as that is too long.

Wonderful Darryl, and stay away from those spiders. The ones we have to look out for here is the Brown Recluse. Doesn't look that bad but there bite is terrible. Know two people that have been bit and both were worried about having to have either a leg or arm amputated it was so bad but fortunately both healed.


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