1/144 Dragon 117A Nighthawk Twin Fighter Build

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Master Sergeant
Jul 16, 2009
South Plainfield New Jersey
This is a quick little build. There isn't much to these but aside from the decals its a fun build.

If anyone had seen my 1/144 Jolly Rogers build you might remember my comments about the kit supplied pilots. Well Dragon out did themselves on this one. These pilots have no heads. That's right no heads!!!!


First cote of paint applied

The big decal was ugly going on. For one its too big for the model. Once I got it in place I tried to trim off the excess with disastrous results. Then one of the wheel well door decals went on fine but it floated out of position after I set it down. I didn't notice it till it was dry. ugh

What I should have done was use the stars part of the decal and painted on the red and white stripes.
I have seen this advertised so many times in the model mags, it good to see someone has made a couple. They look fantastic side by side Dirk.


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