1/32 Tamiya P-51D-5 "Little Eva III"

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And finally, time to paint the metallic colors....
For the silver dope wings, there were 2 candidates, tamiya's LP-11 or AS-12,I chose the tamiya's LP-11, to my eyes a bit greyer ...
For the bare metal i chose the new A-Stand, High Shine plus aluminium color from Mig. I made a lot of tests and i thing it is one of the best bare metal colors.
I think you should give it a try!!!
I sprayed it over a shiny black primer, not gloss...i also tested it over a shiny plain grey plastic...the outcome was perfect for me!!!!

I sprayed the fuselage and tail codes, gloss varnish (i sprayed tamiya x-22, i did not notice any loss on the bare finish, please comment if you have any remarks) placed the decals and wet transfers from HGW...

I glued the exhausts (they are from Rexx, soft thin metal, already burned). It took me some time as i had to line them up perfectly...and i also whethered them with tamiya and mig pastels.

Next a light gloss varnish and pastel wash. I was afraid to use oil washes even if i had sprayied the x-22!!!
I was really amazed how the wash picked up all the details!!!!!

Finally i glued the resin flaps from Amur....really amazing how real they seem but a PITA to glue them!!!

Next and final step...whethering. I am not for the really abused bird....
Hope you like it so far, feel free to comment



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Thanks a lot guys!!!
I finished weathering the ''lady'', put on her shoes, the external tanks, wrapped up all the details and bits and i am presenting her to you!!
Hope you like it!!
I really loved my journey with her!!!

Thanks a lot,
really appreciate any comment!!

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