Chugging along.....
With the fuselage halves together, I moved on to completing some of the cockpit details. With the exception of the replacement V-support for the instrument panel, shown below, most of the remaining work is now above the sill. I had to leave the IP support off until now so as to allow me to adjust the angle of the floor when gluing the halves together, making sure that the floor is horizontal. Also seen below is the build up of the
Bordfunker's instruments and stowage box along with the support frame. The instrument panel is the only piece that I used from the kit - everyhting else is scratch built from card and, in the case of the support frame, solder.
It's critically important when building things up like this that everything is checked for squareness, level, and position in all 3 planes as it is very easy to get things lopsided. The map table has been straightened but left skewed a little to the left as depicted on the Revell pit.
Below is the forward portion of the same built up area. Behind the pilot's seat can be seen the box for stowing the lifting cables. At first I tried making this from brass sheet but it was too small to get sharp 90 degree corners bent and I was not satisfied with the outcome so I binned it. I went with Plan B and made a piece from two bits of square stock glued back-to-back then drilled and hollowed out with a square file.
At this point, I masked off the radio equipment and squirted the whole area with 02. Then I added the lift cables which are made of solder that was rolled with a file to create a rope pattern. Turned out pretty good. With those installed, I then set about making the pilot's headreast which I elected to leave in the folded position as shown.
The same area from the rear also shows the control column glued in place. I also see that I need to touch up the round black gizmo to the right of the radios as there's a spot of 02 on it.
Once the headrest is painted and the instruments picked out, this area will be done and I'll need to get on with the seat belts. I think I may need to either get a new set of PE ones or scratch these as I think I'm out.
Shame about the moulded in lift cable on the fuselage but it's something I will likely live with, though I'm not ruling out removing it and making my own - yet.