1/48 Grumman Avenger TBF-1C - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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This was a pain in the tailpipe old chap.....it is a nice kit, don't get me wrong, but.....it could have been sooo much better, had some things been engineered differently....oh well..
Jan, think I get it. The supplied piece was one piece and closed. If you wanted open you had to cut them down the center line. Had to do something similiar with the Widow to make the "B" version. X-Acto has some very fine razor saws and my Dremel has a fine saw but you have to be VERY steady with it and it makes a bigger kerf
Cheers lads, appreciated as always!
Was just sitting down there, to do some work on the wings, paint and attach them, looking at the instructions, I just remembered.....f*ck, nothing about what colour to use!
Wouldn't be too far off the mark, in suspecting the usual z/y in the wings, wheelwell etc., or?
I thought they were maybe white also old boy, as I seem to recall reading this when researching for my model, and I remember seeing a colour pic, albeit on a restored, airworthy aircraft. But I've just had a quick look at the Squadron Signal book and, in B&W photos, there's a definite tonal difference between the white of the landing gear legs and inside of the doors, which suggest zinc chromate, possibly green leaning towards yellow, as opposed to 'full' yellow.
I'm afraid I didn't make comprehensive notes regarding that area, as my model had wings spread.
EDIT:- We were posting at the same time. In the pic you've just posted, you can see the tonal difference on the wing folds, especially on the aircraft in the background, compared to the white of the wheel bays, gear legs and doors.
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