1/48 Grumman Avenger TBF-1C - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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:laughing6: At least we know why A.Nobel invented the dynamite.
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  • animated_roflmao-butt2.gif
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As nice a kit as it may be, it seriously lack in the instructions....shape up Hobby Boss!
Not a word on colours for the turret, it's time like these, when this forum become invaluable!

Sorry for the sh*te pics, will have to use the mobile, until I've got a new computer...




Now, Hobby Boss shows Interior Green up to this 'frame' or whatyacallit, is that correct?

Much obliged gentlemen...
Done a tad more, as I've said before, it's a nice kit, but the instructions.....they leave a lot be desired for..



The parts for the turret have got their share of paint as well....more on them later!
Aaaah! Excellent!

Should I, when I, if I build another Avenger, I'll try the AM's this time (there's no way, that their turret is as bad or worse than this), never in my life, have sworn, cursed so much, the turret in Hobby Boss' Avenger is a right (censored) pain in the (censored) and (censored), whoever is responsible for this piece of (censored) should receive the (censored) fleas of (censored) camels and arms too (censored) short to (censored) scratch!




Leave it be for now and get something strong to calm down...

I mean.....(censored)

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