1/48 Grumman Avenger TBF-1C - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Thought that I'd do some more on the interior today, but....what is Field Green? Is/was the mixed interior unique to the Avenger, as in if it was a TBF or a TBM?
Have seen pics with both the two colours and a single coloured interior...TBF's and TBM's, so....what is the right way to go?

For now, I'll do some of the Interior Green parts....
Here you go old boy.
This is extracted from the notes I made for the FAA Avenger I did in the last PTO GB, hence reference to British equipment, 'Avenger II' etc, but the colours remain the same on U.S. aircraft.


  • Avenger interior colours..jpg
    Avenger interior colours..jpg
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So, this being a Grumman build bird (TBF), it's cockpit, centre cockpit and turret in Bronze Green (is that the same a Field Green?)...
Rear fuselage radio compartment and bomb bay in Interior Green...
Have to say Hobby Boss' instructions leaves a lot to wish for, when it comes to the paints....they btw show the inside of the cowling as 'white'...

See what we have then.... :lol:
Cheers lads! Appreciated as always!
Hopefully do some more tomorrow, after work and before hitting the sack...

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