1/48 Grumman Avenger TBF-1C - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Looking really great Jan, good to see you building.

Yeah, don't get too excited about AM's Jan. At least Terry made that how to, otherwise I'd never have gotten mine in. Looks great Jan!
Where can I find this gem of information. I'd like to print it out and stuff it into my AM Avenger box for future reference.
I only bought the Hobby Boss one because you can build her with folded, as a kit it's ok, the instructions leaves a lot to wish for....
Might try the A/M version next time....
Nice work old boy.
Vic, the gun is manned, by the radio operator, as required. It's a tight area, where the gunner has to kneel on a cushion behind the gun.
Thanks again T. I suppose in the heat of battle it would be okay, but imagine being tossed around as the pilot take evasive action or is in a chase. Cauliflower ears, bruised shoulders, bumps on the head, pins and needles in the legs. Hope there'll be someone able to pull him out.

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