1/48 Mitsubishi J2M3 Raiden (Jack) Type 21- Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Since things are going somewhat well with the Avenger, I thought that I'd add another wee bird...
It was between (d*mn you Wayne! ) the Frank and this one, the Jack...and hopefully, I'll find a '13' of some sort...

Anyhoo, found so far they were used by these:

256th Kokutai November 1944 - December 1945
301st Kokutai February 1944 - July 1945
302nd Kokutai March 1945 - August 1945
332nd Kokutai August 1944 - August 1945
352nd Kokutai August 1944 - August 1945
381st Kokutai End 1943 - April 1945
Yokosuka Kokutai
Yatabe Kokutai
Genzan Kokutai
Tainan Kokutai
Konoike Kokutai
Chushi Kokutai

Now, it's just a question as in who, used the J2M3....
Cheers pal....

Anyhoo, a bit of a situation here, seen builds with a black panel and in the same colour as the rest of the cockpit, which is right???
The odd time I use the decal, I wait for it to settle and dry, give it a flat coat and then use clear gloss or Future for the lenses. Gotta try cutting out the dials one of these days.


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