1/48 TBM Avenger - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Well its been forever since I posted on this build but I have been making some slow progress. I did get the fuselage all tied up and even did a test fit of the turret without the gun in place.

I've got an older Eduard flap set so I cut loose the flaps and scraped off the molded on detail to the flaps. AM molded nice detail on the flaps but left the top of the flap well blank. Unfortunately this older PE set doesn't add a lot of detail to the top of the well either. They have a newer set that definitely has better detail for it.

I've got a ways to go on the flaps still...
Accurate Miniatures has a nicely detailed engine but the molded on plastic push-rods and spark plug wires are a little thick so I thought I would replace them with Albion micro-tubing and wire instead.

I still have to paint the push-rods and add the plug wires, but she is getting there.
I have started work on the gun turret. Here she is painted with a gloss coat for the oil wash. I still have some details to add and some more painting to do.

I thought I could mask the canopies with just Tamiya tape but finally gave up and got an Eduard mask set which made things go so much nicer.

Well, that's all for now. I hope to have another update a lot sooner next time. Thanks for looking in.

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