I've finally managed to get back to the bench, after been busy with other things over the past few days, and that steroid injection I had has certainly helped, as my hands and wrists are nowhere near as stiff and painful as they were.
A second bomb sight computer has now been made, painted and installed, along with the repeater instrument panel, 'Intervalometer' and the bomb selector / fusing panel, and the rear bulkhead has been attached to the nose section.
PIC 1. The repeater instruments, and bomb selector panels. These are simply plastic channel and sheet, painted matt black and the instruments etc scratched into the paint before it fully dried. I had intended to use some decals here, but decided against what would have been a bit of a waste, as the view through the canopy is not that clear. Due to reflection, they look a bit rough in the photo, but are quite reasonable in 'real life', and good enough to view through the thick transparency of the canopy.
PICS 2 and 3. The Mk.XIV Bomb Sight Computer under construction. Basically a rectangular box of plastic sheet, constructed around plastic channel on top and bottom edges, with the 'buttons' being lengths of plastic rod, inserted into pre-drilled holes, then cut off close to the surface. Two other holes, which are display 'windows' on the real item, have been drilled and will be glazed after painting. The surrounding 'shock frame' was made by attaching thin plastic rod and stretched sprue to square-section rod supports.
PIC 4. The computer painted and installed, but awaiting straightening and re-touching. The smaller details were either scratched into the painted surface, or added with tiny spots of white paint. The front surface was given a textured finish, by stippling with a brush, to replicate the 'crackle' finish of the real computer. It's far from perfect, but again acceptable enough when viewed through the thick canopy.
PICS 5 to 7. With the rear bulkhead fitted, this is how the nose section looks so far. The seat was lowered slightly, as I wasn't happy with its original position, and a lap belt added from painted foil. The Mk.XIV bomb sight has yet to be made and fitted, along with some wiring, before the canopy can be added, and the complete assembly can then be fixed to the fuselage.
All being well, I hope to complete this area some time tomorrow, and then move on to sorting out what's required to fit the resin cowlings to the kit engine and nacelles.
If I'm lucky, and can continue as today, I might even get the model, at least, finished for the end of the GB. Getting the diorama base done is a different story !