1/72 Academy Hawker Typhoon - From the shelves of doom

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Senior Airman
Apr 26, 2005
Another one built a way long time ago. This was built using camo masks made using scale drawings that were apparently done by Arthur Bentley, and which this kit matches almost perfectly. During our move one of the landing gear went Awol and so for years it has sat on the shelf and known to me as ole 'Pegleg', as I quite enjoyed building it I was rather loath to throw it out. I did use the kit decals on it, and they worked ok, but the letters always bothered me as they just seemed a bit to bright to my eyes, so when it the rockets started to get a bit lose I decided to see about refurbishing it and stripped off the paint, which happen to be Polyscale so didn't put up any resistance.

After asking on a couple of other forums for some landing gear and decals, a kind gentleman from Jolly Ole across the pond forwarded me some Landing gear, but no joy on the decals. So if anyone has or knows of some one who does have some decals that would be suitable one with a 3 bladed prop small tail planes and rockets, such as these ones from Xtra decal 72179, M pr, XP F, or A, please do let me know

No problem Andy and thanks, I ordered up a couple of Brengun Typhoons, which is a good thing cuase they come with both the car door and bubble top canopy. It's a good thing because if one of those canopies fits the Academy kit then there's going to be a car door typhoon..........I have no idea what happened, I built this thing a very very long time ago and I think I'd only soaked the clear bits in Future, the front screen is fine....

but the canopy is pretty much toast. Oh well such is life, Rob Taurus makes one for the Academy kit but with the price of shipping it will be a while before I get one, might as well waite until I'm going to order some other stuff too. In the mean time it will suffice as a paint mask.
Yes, that got rid of most of the damage, not perfect but will do for now.

Of course not paying close attention I painted on the wrong color first

K, fixed that

And then when masking it up the tail plane broke off........fixed that....I did actually sand and repaint the joint after this pic

and on with the paint

and off with the masks

And now for the landing gear.........

Things are gonna need a bit of work, time to roll up the sleeves and get at it.

After a good clean up not so bad, but a bit tricky as the wheels are glued on so trying to avoid breaking anything is a bit of a trick

Unfortunately of the two gear doors the one I need is in the poorest condition but not, at least, unusable

Time to stick some stickers........I did pick up a couple of Brengun Typhoons so i decided to use the decals from those, I'd read on another forum that they were garbage. I did manage to get the bottom ones on OK, but the top ones started to disintegrate as I was trying to get them in place, which was OK in the end as I then decided to use the Airfix Typhoon roundels and such and hope for the best with the unit markings. This worked out better in the end as the red in the Brengun roundels is a bit to bright anyway. Tail wheel has been drilled out and pined.

Once that was all done and some chipping added it was time to get back on the wheels.

And the inevitable happened........Fixed that

and while things were hardening up did a little weathering

After that little escapade it was time to get back on the landing gear, so I did

Here's where it's at for now, just got to mask up and paint the exhausts and it will time for the landing gear gun and rockets

I'm happy with them except they look to be closer to aluminum then paint but good enough.

I really like those masks, makes camo masking quick and easy plus if you plan on doing several of the same it will keep things consistent.

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