1/8 Mig-3 But not really.

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with the dry brushing, the trick is to actually remove most of the paint from the brush. Dip it in lightly, then dab most of the paint out of the brush onto an absorbent tissue or similar. Then I just very lightly run the brush over the object, trying to only lightly touch the surface of what im painting. For the most part, the application of the paint is very gradual. Applying the paint a little at a time is the best way, and you need a lot of patience. Other people have different ideas, but i use my best brushes for dry brushing, the ones best able to hold the paint, and also keep their shape. You also need a good deal of brush control to do it well....

I am a below average dry brusher, but Ive learnt heaps just by practising it on scrap and talking and listening to these guys.

There are some real master of dry brushing in this place, and Wurger is one of them.
The Mig-3 is completed and assembled. I'll be taking photos of it today. I hope to have a few up tomight.

Great work Charles, the paint and weathering looks fantastic! !!
It was worth the effort, feedback, your skills and excellent support of experts, make it happend!
How Parsifal says, hope see you fly soon.

Felicidades amigo.

Luis Carlos

Thanks so much for the kind words, it's appreciated.

Possibly a bit embelished in areas? Not meant to be scale perfection.

It will be some time before I fly the model because I have to remove the engine to brake it in. That takes a bit of time. Pointless to do this on the model.

I might skip finishing the Stuka Tank Buster, and move onto this Gee Bee Z, which I started building in the 90's. Bout time I completed it.

Thanks again for the kind words.

Gee! Is there a place for the Gee Bee Z build in the Forum?


The model is powered by an OS 80 IC engine. This engine will swing a 15" prop.

That cowling is 8.75" in diam. The model is 59" in span.

I may finish the Stuka Tank Buster first. I might decide today.

Gentlemen, thanks for the replies.


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