#1 American Killer, ETO???

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watch it or I'll kick your butts.............Joe Peterburs from the 20th fg


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I think it is the guy who shot down the most Americans. Now at the same time we can break it down to who shot down the most bombers or fighters.

You also have to take into account the Japanese fighter pilots. I however know nothing about the way Japanese confirmed or accounted for kills.

Either way here are the top 5 Luftwaffe American killers by type of fighters. First is the number of the type of fighter and in parenthasis is the total number of aircraft killed of all types.

Oblt. Wilhelm Hofmann 13(44)
Maj. Theodor Weissenberger 13(208)
Obstlt. Egon Mayer 12(102)
Maj. Julius "Jule" Meimberg 12(53)
Obstlt. Heinz-Edgar "Pritzel" Bär 10(221)

Maj. Wilhelm Steinmann 12(44)
Ofw. Heinrich Bartels 11(99)
Obstlt. Heinz Bär 10(221)
Hptm. Franz Schall 10(133)
Oblt. Wilhelm Hofmann 10(44)

Ofw. Heinrich Bartels 14(99)
Obstlt. Kurt "Bu-mann" Bühligen 13+(112)
Hptm. Herbert Puschmann 9(57)
Oblt. Wilhelm "Willy" Kientsch 9(53)
Oblt. Herbert Rollwage 8+(85)

And here are the top 5 aces with the number of kills of USAAF aircraft:

Maj. Georg-Peter Eder 56
Obstlt. Kurt Bühligen 51
Obstlt. Heinz "Pritzel" Bär 49+
Maj. Anton "Toni" Hackl 47
Obst Walther Dahl 41+

From what I have been able to research Eder was the top US killer of the WW2. Of his 56 kills against US aircraft he shot down 36 Bombers, 10 P-47, 7 P-51, and 3 P-38.
Der Adler:

Right. Taking Georg Peter Eder´s bomber kills into account only, makes hims resposible for 360 USAAF men which did not return to their bases for dinner.

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