109D Drawings? (1 Viewer)

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Bf 109 E-3 6-88 C4E-88 C.5-88 C.4E-88 restoration/rebuild/replica (choose one!) by Robs Lamplough now with Meir Motors now all original material discarded in favour of airworthy new made components. First time I saw this wreck was at the Tangmere Aviation Museum and offered the chance to inspect the wreck it soon became obvious that no instruments or internal fittings or even data plates remained and that the airframe had no structural integrity due to serious corrosion. It was a corroded stripped hulk. Robs was adamant that it was totally unrestorable to even display condition. First image, recovery from the Ejército del Aire dump in August 1983, second in 2012 following extended storage.

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been thinking about colour.
not a lab tech, but I used to do B&W photography.
It is almost a standard that a B&W photographer uses a coloured filter, usually a yellow or orange filter to raise contrast a bit.
Even more so in the days of orthochromatic film.

so first I found these:Aviation of Japan 日本の航空史: Notice of Update ~ RLM 02 & RLM 63 Graus

The Mölders image was straight converted to greyscale, but maybe I should have removed the yellow cast first?

then did a simple conversion to grayscale

Then selected each of the colours, increased the red channel +50 and the converted to grayscale.
so the background gray was untouched.

The same but now with the magenta channel

Again, but now with the yellow channel

And to finish of, I did it again, but now with the yellow +25 and the red +25

I have no idea if this is scientific or not, I probably should have used the colour profile of contemporary Agfa film to convert to grayscale.
I hope what I did makes sense, if not fire away!
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re- using one of the earlier pics.
Anybody know what the shape marked in red is?
shapewise it looks like a vent, but I *think* it might be a hatch. (or a handgrip?)

pics I have been able to find show only a glimpse...

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