Me 262,
W. Nr. 130013, S8? (pre-production?)
W. Nr. 170013, A-2a
W. Nr. 110413, ?
W. Nr. 110813, A-1a Jabo
W. Nr. 110913, A-1a
W. Nr. 110613, A-2a
W. Nr. 111613, A-2a
W. Nr. 500013, A-2a
Jan, you need this book. Full of serial numbers and info on the 262. Has some pictures of some serial aircraft but the few I looked up that you where looking for did not but there was history and info on the some of your aircraft
Me 262A-2a, W. Nr. 170013, was shot by flak on the 8th of September '44, with pilot Oblt Werner Gartner, while belonging to I./KG51 and was coded 9K+LL....