Nice one!
Right, a quick look shows my info is incompelete. I have listings for all the FW190A series Werke Nr., and for Ta152. So far, I've only seen mention of three (possibly a few more) 190A's converted to Dora, and these were the pre-production prototypes - I can give the Wk Nr if it'll help. I've yet to read the whole reference, but it seems that the Dora were 'new build', with the first Ta152's converted from existing Doras, both D-9 and D-11.
Now, my source is from Heinz J Nowarra, a very repspected author with WW2 aircraft industry experience, but it does date back quite some years, so there could be newer info surfaced since then. If you want the listings, and other info, let me know and I'll e-mail a copy to you.