13's.... (1 Viewer)

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Aye, remember seeing those pics of his body, no boots etc...
Isn't it said, or wasn't he was strafing the US troops on the ground?

Found my RAAF 'Cat' though! 8)
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yeah, he was strafing a convoy when hit by AA, he turned to attack again, was hit a second time and crash landed, he was shot after exiting his aircraft, there are a few versions of why he was shot....
Aye, remember seeing that...

Any idea what camouflage on this '13' would be Wayne?

RAAF A-24 Catalina;

A24-13, C/N 307;

Delivered by Qantas as VH-AFN 19/09/41.
11 Sqn 16/11/41.
MIA 24/02/42, Rabaul.

SQNLDR Ern Beaumont (Pilot),
PLTOFF Michael Evans (2nd Pilot),
SGT Ray Richardson, (2nd Wireless Op/Air Gunner),
CPL Ray Adams (1st Engineer),
LAC Max Berghouse (2nd Engineer),
LAC George Formby (1st Wireless Op),
LAC Clive Grainger (Rigger),
AC1 Leonard Farrands (Armour).
Great stuff Taktik, some with sad contents though...
Btw, if I may ask you, I've just bought a Tupolev Tu-2s, you haven't come across any '13' there? Been looking around for that, plus the Tu-16 Badger, Tu-95 Bear and Tu-22 Blinder, which I might get either of, for my birthday!
Here you are all NATO codes for Tu-16 variants. Jan , the one in the profile is Tu16R according to the caption ( Tu-16P). So it is Badger F.

Tupolew Tu-16A / Badger-A
Tupolew Tu-16KS-1 / Badger-B
Tupolew Tu-16K-10 / Badger-C
Tupolew Tu-16R / Badger-D
Tupolew Tu-16 / Badger-E
Tupolew Tu-16R / Badger-F
Tupolew Tu-16 / Badger-G
Tupolew Tu-16K / Badger-G Mod
Tupolew Tu-16PP / Badger-K
Tupolew Tu-16 / Badger-L
Thanks to Lord there is more letters in the English alphabet.
The Chinese one can't come in handy if there are C and G letters only.

Have to say that I like the styling of the Tu-16, Tu-22 Blinder, Tu-28 (128), Tu-95 and the Mi...Mu...Miy...Myasishchev M-4! If it looks right and all that, plus....that Tu-128 Fiddler is just massive as an interceptor, bigger than some bombers!

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