13's.... (1 Viewer)

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Jan, do you have this pic...... source unknown.

F4 Phantom II_.jpg
I'd look cool like that as well, if I owned a similar bird, parked among Cessnas' and others on a private airfield! ;) :lol:

PARKED? I think it would look cool as hell to see the look on the Cessna pilots face when I slid into their 6 o'clock with that thing.

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Whilst looking through my books for photo F6Fs F9Fs for Bill, I came across this.(From "Korea-The Air War 1950-1953) 71 pages...hope it's not here...this thread needs an index.


Still looking Bill.

Not sure of decals for Jan, but here's some more pics.

P.S. If you search that big auction web-site with the search terms "1/48 decals jan p-51" you will find a set of decals for the aircraft. Google also bringsup decals for a 1/32 scale bird as well if you want to go big;)


  • P-51 Jan.JPG
    P-51 Jan.JPG
    50.3 KB · Views: 121
  • p-51 Jan 2.JPG
    p-51 Jan 2.JPG
    39.5 KB · Views: 116
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