"White UI-13" from the 251st Kokutai. "Humpback" version with both upper and lower cannon, and collector exhausts. Dark green over light gray with white-bordered hinomarus on the fuselage and upper wings.
"Red 02-03" from the 202nd Kokutai. "Humpback" version with both upper and lower cannon, and collector exhausts. Overall dark green with unbordered hinomarus all around. This is one of the markings in the Tamiya kit.
"White YoD-187" from the 302nd Kokutai. "Straightback" version with upper cannon only and individual exhausts. Overall dark green with unbordered hinomarus all around and brown spinners. It should be noted that a photo of this aircraft shows that the area around the fuselage hinomaru notably darker than the surrounding part of the fuselage, indicating possible overpainting, although this is not mentioned in the instructions.
"Red Yo-101" from the Yokosuka Kokutai. "Straightback" version with upper cannon only, individual exhausts, and radar nose. Overall dark green with unbordered hinomarus all around and brown spinners. It should be noted that a photo of this aircraft prior to the application of the kill markings shows that it carried a third upward firing cannon which is not shown in the decal sheet profile.
The first J1N1-S is the only one on the sheet in dark green over gray (the rest all being overall dark green). Coded U1-13 in white on the tail, this plane also has white-edged hinomarus for the fuselage upper wing. Flown by CPO Shigetoshi Kudo and Lt. Akira Sugawara of Kokutai 251 out of Rabaul-Lakunai, July 1943, this plane had a total of nine kills and one probable. The second J1N1-S was flown by CPO Tetsuya Hatao and CPO Nanpachi Yamada of Kokutai 202 out of Manggar Air Base in Borneo, January 1944. This team was the most successful night-fighter team over Indonesia, with several kills to their name including a pair of B-24s shot down on the night of January 13, 1944. These two kills are silhouetted in white on the tail underneath the red code '02-03'.
Moving to the two J1N1-Sa planes, the first choice is coded YoD-187 and was flown by Lt. Sachio Endo Osamu Nishio of Kokutai 302. Flying out of Atsugi Air Base in 1945, this plane shot down a total of five B-29s and had a probable count of nine. The kill markings are depicted as flower blossoms on the fuselage side. The second J1N1-Sa also carries kill markings, this time in the form US stars with an arrow in the center. Flown by CPO Ykzu Kuramoto and Shiro Kurotori, this team had a total of six confirmed kills and two probables, all B-29s. This plane is the only one of the four on the sheet equipped with the FD-2 radar.