13's.... (1 Viewer)

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Talking about 13's. I just finished this kit. It was coming along ok until disaster struck. The decals in this kit are absolutely shite. As soon as they came out of the water,they just started to break up and I had to use the iron crosses from my Airfix 1/24 FW190a. Now this kit is screwed because I can not find 1/24 109 or 190 German marking decals. Btw does anyone have a spare black squiggle and a # 13, as these also got destroyed. The other problem is the landing gear strut assembly design is on the weak side. All in all a very decent kit


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Well here is this train wreck. My 1st 1/24. Was fun and frustrating at the same time. Paint lines and decals pissed me off,and the landing gear is kind of dodgy at best.All in all. I guess I will have to live with it. On a side not. I was building a 1/32 Hase F6F-5 in FAA colours with invation strips. Those stripes are a lot harder to do than you would think.Well I got the white down and when I finally was happy with the taping for the black,well let just say it did not go too well. The black bled all over the place. Here is what I did next. See pic. My 1st destroyed plane. Probably not the last. Well on to the fw190d-9 "JABO" Hase 1/32. Hoping for better results


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Hum the thread post in #1 said just 13's for future builds so I guess this counts :) You build one big enough Jan you can place most of your models in it LOL


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Couple more 13's for you Jan!!!


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Musta been in the middle of "converting".
Halo from the original star and bar, and the last plane in line still hassem!

Be an interesting build, one o'them.

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