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What the....!? Never in my life I'd expect to find a Me 410 numbered "13"! Thank you so very much Erich, very much appreciated! Just need to find a '410 then....

How's these for Heinz Bar's A-7?

Don't mind the Blue 1, 4 and 13 here, they're purple....

That's why they sent and extra sheet with better colour....

well the red 13 for Bär's rig looks a bit compressed the guys whomever do up the decals need to get things historically correct .............look at the year they put down after Darmstadt.............geez

I could be all wrong but that blue 13 decal might be a good choice for the Me 410B and I can almost bet it was NOT a long 5cm cannon bird as well, most likely had the 2cm waffen pod under the fuselage and the other 2-4 cannons - 2cm up front
If we have that luck, I'll use these "Blue 13" for the '410 then, they're originally for Walter Dahl, but there's a set for his crate in the Royal Class box...so, hopefully it's a all win situation!

Didn't see any for Heinz Bar on EE's website, only found these on Hannant's which is a Aeromaster set....opinion?


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Jan your avatar isn't growing anything out of her *** is she like an egg-plant or ?

silly aeromaster "Rammjäger" that is real humorous, none of those crates are A-8/R2's SturmFw's

I guess Bärs profile-decals are suitable, where was the profiles of his machine we posted some weeks ago ??
That's a good question, can't remember Erich.... We had his Me 262 here earlier though.


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Seeing that Heinz "Pritzl" Bär flew a Fw 190 A-7 (Wk.Nr. 431007) "red 13", when commander of II./JG 1. What is the external difference between an A-6, A-7 and an A-8? Is it just that the MG 131's, replacing the MG 17's leading to a bulkier upper gun cowling, just in front of the cockpit? Was this A-7 his only "Red 13", besides the Me 262?
tooooomany questions !!

yes the A-7 had the upper 7.92's replaced by 13mm's

the 13 looks a bit big on Dahl's crate but otherwise is acceptable. Prillers need to get another persons viewpoint. he also flew an unarmored A-8 as well coded blue 13 besides the SturmFw also with 13mms left on and the outboard 3cm's. I think he flew 2 different SturmFw's in Stab./JG 300
The Sky Decals and Third Group Decals a pretty close to the mark...what do you think?

Image source : Defenders of the Reich JG 1 Vol.3.


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Looking good.But I think the number"1" should have its nose a little bit going down.But it is my impression only.
Well, the Sky Models declas that I have measure 13mm in hight and 14mm in width,measuring from the top of the "1", I don't know the size of the real thing. Tally Ho! has a few sets of Luftwaffe numerals as well... Seeing that Eduard does an A-8 and an A-6, looking at profile drawings, would it be possible to swap parts around between those kits or is the A-7 from Dragon a good enough representation?
It depends on what parts you mean.

Here corrected number 1 in "13"


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Here's a couple of better close ups on the Baer and Dahl "13"...



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Got this one this morning, while in town getting 0.5 pen for the panel lines. A bit disappointed in the Dragon '190, probably shouldn't have looked in my Eduard box before leaving....

Also, noticed that there are still a panel line for the MW50 tank underneath that will need filling,
need to drill holes for the outside cannons as well.....
Och aye, ye cannae always win..!

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