Major General
War time economics is also about getting the most bang for your bucks, Which is not always provided by the cheapest possible weapon in each category. While the troops don't need BMWs and Mercedes giving them Yugos and Trabants isn't much better than giving them nothing if the other side has Fords and Chevys.
If you need 2 or 3 "cheap" weapons to do the job of 1 more expensive weapon they are not so cheap anymore. Throw in the cost of training the troops and maintaining them in the field (food, water, shelter) and maintaining/feeding the weapons (fuel, parts, ammo) and "cheap" weapons can become very, very expensive.
Winning wars is very expensive, sometimes bankrupting, loosing wars is even more expensive.
Good news, you saved $20,000 per airplane.......Bad news, you lost the war.
If you need 2 or 3 "cheap" weapons to do the job of 1 more expensive weapon they are not so cheap anymore. Throw in the cost of training the troops and maintaining them in the field (food, water, shelter) and maintaining/feeding the weapons (fuel, parts, ammo) and "cheap" weapons can become very, very expensive.
Winning wars is very expensive, sometimes bankrupting, loosing wars is even more expensive.
Good news, you saved $20,000 per airplane.......Bad news, you lost the war.