Back to the topic, if I may:
- 2-seat fighter: a plane that would, from the side, looked like Defiant. Wings need to be of grater area (cca 300+ sq ft), since there half of the fuel tanks are going, along with all guns ammo; other half of the fuel goes under the crew compartment, much like it was the case for the Fw-190s; the heavy fighter needs a big wing anyway The fighter will be a long endurance one, so at least 170-180 rounds for each of the 4 cannons are needed. Either Griffon, or 2-stage Merlin aboard; Sabre sounds so tempting, yet sensitive as an option for the 1943 CV-capable bird
Maybe a 2-stage R-2800, so an LMG bullet that hit home (from the bomber's return fire, maybe) does not mean that the fighter is lost 100-200 miles away from the carrier, shortcoming being less endurance on same fuel as the RR engined counterpart. Wing not too tick, featuring Fairey-Youngman flaps.