2010 Voorhees Vikings (My football team..)

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Dec 9, 2007
Revis Island.
Well last Saturday we had our first game against summit. We are in the white and they are the green color. Its a just a picture one of my friends took and the video is our Kick off Returner running it back for a 87 yard run.

We lost the game 8- 12. Summit had 2 touchdowns but never got the extra points and we had one touchdown and got the 2 point conversion.

Tomorrow we have a game against Cranford high school.

I'm starting Left Guard and back up Defensive tackle.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llk2xQngSj4


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Congrats B17, the Vaunted Vorhees Vikes. Hope you guys have a great season. Gotta beat your cousin's team or you'll never hear the end of it.

I don't remember who said it but someone once said, "Football combines the two worst aspects of American society, violence and committe meetings".

Probably why it is so popular.
I have many fond memories of my HS Football days way back in the 70s. Best of luck this season and enjoy yourself Harrison.
Good stuff Harrison!

High School football is my favorite; my father played, I played, and my two boys played.

Beats the heck out of that other so-called game called "football" ! :)

Yesterday we lost in the final seconds of our game. 13-8. We had a 3 yard touchdown run and the other team just scored 13 unanswered points.

Our record now is 1-2

Steve what position did you play? and thanks :D
I start at Left Guard which basically protects the Quarterback and makes sure lanes are opened for when we run the ball. I also am a substitute on Defensive Tackle since the starter is very injury prone. Basically I'm trying to tackle the ball carrier or shut down running lanes in that position.

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