Jan 3, 2012 #1 evangilder "Shooter" 19,049 208 Sep 17, 2004 Moorpark, CA www.vg-photo.com 2011 was a mixed year for many of us. I pause to remember friends and acquaintances lost during 2011: Seamus McCaughley -Aerobatic pilot, mechanic, builder Amanda Franklin -Wing Walker and Aviatrix Mark Matye -Pilot, businessman and great friend Jimmy Leeward -Reno Air Race pilot Ken Terry- T-34 Pilot Jack "Flash" Mangan - Trojan Horsemen Display team member Some of these folks I only knew through e-mail and associations, others I knew personally and had flown with. Blue skies and tail winds to them all. They were all upstanding people and deserve to be remembered. I know I will miss them. Please add anyone you want to remember who went west in 2011.
2011 was a mixed year for many of us. I pause to remember friends and acquaintances lost during 2011: Seamus McCaughley -Aerobatic pilot, mechanic, builder Amanda Franklin -Wing Walker and Aviatrix Mark Matye -Pilot, businessman and great friend Jimmy Leeward -Reno Air Race pilot Ken Terry- T-34 Pilot Jack "Flash" Mangan - Trojan Horsemen Display team member Some of these folks I only knew through e-mail and associations, others I knew personally and had flown with. Blue skies and tail winds to them all. They were all upstanding people and deserve to be remembered. I know I will miss them. Please add anyone you want to remember who went west in 2011.
Jan 3, 2012 #5 DerAdlerIstGelandet Private Chemtrail Disperser Staff Mod 50,294 15,915 Nov 8, 2004 USA/Germany
Jan 3, 2012 #6 Gnomey Globetrotting Surgeon General Staff Mod 70,890 8,909 Nov 28, 2004 London / Southsea / Royal Deeside, UK www.flickr.com
Jan 4, 2012 #8 mudpuppy Senior Airman 653 17 Mar 6, 2008 Appalachian Foothills in Virginia Very decent of you to post a memorial to these Aviators. Salute