2014 Foto Fest MK. III

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Jeff Hunt

1st Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2012
Guelph Ontario Canada
We will start this thread off with what I am told was a static Battle of Britain movie participant.

This airframe is currently in the annex building, which in typical Canadian fashion requires a separate admission fee from the Museum admission fee which is on top of paying to park. The museum offered 3 guided ( and timed to 1 hour) tours the day I was there. Because of the time limit many of the aircraft in the annex building were missed. Part of the time problem is a result of Canada having two official languages and the tour guide having to say the same things twice in order to cover the language issue. I would say this repetition was responsible for 15 minutes of lost time. The visit at the museum cost me $45.00 for my son and I, a bit on the expensive side I think but if you want to see the airplanes.........

Despite the above gripes, it is a world class museum with a few one of a kinds and lots of ultra rare aircraft.



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