25 years of Nuclear Free New Zealand

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Oct 12, 2011
Twenty-five years ago, on 8 June 1987, the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act 1987 became law. The law bans the acquisition or manufacture of nuclear weapons within New Zealand. It also bans the stationing and transit of nuclear weapons, and prohibits visits from nuclear-powered vessels to New Zealand.

Here is a clip of the man responsible for the law in full flight at the Oxford Union Debate of 1985: the Rt Hon David Lange.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeHTziiFVx0
Is that still effective? Just before I left ('95) there was talk of letting the US Nuclear powered ships back in (trade money talks)...that didn't come about then?
I don't know about the current positon on USN nucs for example (it persisted I believe until the late 90s if not later). I suspect the scarlet letter (for Anti-nuc) earned by the position has probably persisted in memory to some extent, but I also think there is a sense that NZ was our (humanity's) collective conscience and could therefore be foregiven a position viewed as impractical but necessary by the major Nuc. powers. A cry in the wilderness for sanity and survival of the human race.

Yes. It can't possibly work for everyone but New Zealand should be congratulated for taking the stance it did.

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