29 things I have learned from living in Hurricane alley..

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Staff Sergeant
Aug 13, 2007

1. Coffee and frozen pizzas can be made on a BBQ grill.

2. No matter how many times you flick the switch, lights don't work
without electricity.

3. My car gets 23.21675 miles per gallon, EXACTLY (you can ask the
people in line who helped me push it).

4. Kids can survive 4 days or longer without a video game controller in
their hand.

5. Cats are even more irritating without power.

6. He who has the biggest generator wins.

7. Women can actually survive without doing their hair- you just wish
they weren't around you.

8. A new method of non-lethal torture, showers without hot water.

9. There are a lot more stars in the sky than most people thought.

10. TV is an addiction and the withdrawal symptoms are painful.

11. A 7 lb bag of ice will chill 6-12 oz Shiner Bock to a drinkable
temperature in 11 minutes, and still keep a 14 lb. turkey frozen for 8 more hours.

12. There are a lot of dang trees around here.

13. Flood plane drawings on some mortgage documents were seriously

14. Aluminum siding, while aesthetically pleasing, is definitely not

15. Cicada and Crickets can increase their volume to overcome the sound of
generators. Gators, not so much...if you hear a gator croak get louder...RUN.

16. People will get into a line that has already formed without having
any idea what the line is for.

17.When required, a Lincoln Continental will float, doesn't steer well
but floats just the same.

18. Tele-marketers function no matter what the weather is doing.

19. Cell phones work when land lines are down, but only as long as the
battery remains charged.

21. Most of your neighbors are fed from a different transformer than you,
and they are quick to point that out!

22. If I was to open a store for JUST from August thru October that sold only ice, chainsaws and generators...I'd be a rich bitch.

23. Price of a can of soup rises 200% in a storm.

24. Your water front property can quickly become someone else's fishing
hole. OR in Ike's case become Public beach...

25. Tree service companies are under appreciated.

26. I learned what happens when you make fun of another states'

27. MATH 101: 30 days in month, minus 6 days without power equals 30%
higher electric bill.

28. Drywall is a compound word, take away the "dry" part and it's

29. I can walk a lot farther than I thought.
Or even to Virginia Beach !! I've lived here for 40 years and we've had two
[count 'em, two] hurricanes that came close. And, I was outta town for
one of them !! Come on up here. Dan would like the fishin'...

2. No matter how many times you flick the switch, lights don't work
without electricity.

That's because you don't know how to properly operate an electroaccelerometer. As the operator, you must flick it faster and more frequently.

And don't let Erich fool ya. Nothing happens in the Pacific Northwest for hundreds of years. And then suddenly we suffer a magnitude 15 earthquake that sends us back to the stone ages. Makes you think that perhaps hurricanes aren't quite that bad. At least you see them comin'.
Hey, I, for one..liked earthquakes. I have only been through 4 though. THE BEST was at my brothers place when he lived down by LA. He was over towards Naples..the ground just rolled..for what seemed 45 seconds. Pretty groovy. THEN everyone ran outside and had a party in the courtyard of the apt. complex.

Not too shabby. IMPO.

The ones when I lived in San Fran were alot more of the jarring variety. BUT, still you didn't have to evacuate(see Faust. NO SRSLY..I'd rather be on the receiving end of some good-natured waterboarding)
Hey, I've been through countless quakes...you just let 'er rip for 45 - 50 seconds, then you're done...

Southern California's quakes are different than the Bay area's...SoCal's move side-to-side, the Bay area's do a jumping thing...weird stuff, really.

But as far as tornados and hurricanes go...forget that craziness!
lol where I am we don't get many cyclones (that's what we call 'em) but i was here when Larry went ripping through that was pretty fun sheet metal flying everywhere

suppose we could also look towards our east at the Cascade chain and simply ask, when is the next volcanic eruption gonna happen ? Remember St. Helens, I was in the area when it blew, Portland was covered with the grey-white glass
I know Shasta quite well Grey ghost especially from my pre nam days in the 60's and afterwards I was climbing it monthly for a time, I live approx 125 miles to it's north and helped run a local mtn guide service and college classes with a friend with mountaineering as it's chief class, a beautiful peak and setting, too bad the locals are so frickin weird

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