3D printed Horten HoVII

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Oops!Same as the HoX,1/60.9(don't ask why…but anything smaller I'd be struggling with,going bigger gets expensiv)
Was hoping to complete the Fokker before starting here,but thats delayed,so I hope to be able to do some work on this soon.Miserable grey weather always puts a damper(pun)on my enthusiasm
A while ago I had a slight scrape on my cars front bumper.Plastic filler and primer used to prepare it for paint.So ….I mixed a bit of the filler and tried it on the underside of the VII.Took ok, so sanded it back with 120 and then progressively finer wet'n dry.
'Then a coat of the primer.If this holds up to sanding I'll give another coat and then go topside


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Quite a lot of work IMHO. If I were you I would make a "thin" putty of an grey enamel with a talc powder and applied that as the first coat. Then slightly sanded with a sandpaper of 400-600 grade. If needed I would repat the procedure twice ( usually it is not needed ). And just then ( having a smooth surface ) I would applied the primer.
It's nylon.I'm not sure an enamel(which I don't use,only acrylics) would adhere.In my situation time and the amount of work are the least of my worries
Oh yes the nylon ... so the enamel could be a problem. But I'm notr sure. Enamels are of better adhesion than acrylics.
Light Sky blue,couple of coats.I need to open the u/c mounting points with a 1mm drill,the larger hole I'll enlarge to 5mm to allow me to pour some shot in to get the balance.Another 5mm hole forward of that to fix a magnet to hold the shot in place.


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Painted u/c;no steel grey so iron grey over silver.Dry fitted it first to check the balance.Sits ok so I won't have to add weight.
'After a coat of matt varnish glued the parts on,they'll give me something to hold whilst working on the topside.
Gave the canopy a Polish then glued some foil on the underside as it looks better than white or black.Next job is the glazing bars which will be fun.I've painted the outer wrap of a roll of 1mm masking tape silver,I reckon one circumference will give me enough length.Once the bars are on(if I can manage it)I'll give it a coat of clear epoxy to seal it.


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Complete failure with the tape painting,the paint had bled leaving an uneven edge.So bars are Tamiya tape yellow.
'There should be two longitudinal bars,but I think one looks ok.Sealed with clear epoxy


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Painted the topside,still needs another coat and hinge lines redefining.
Drawn out a paint mask for camo,double layer of tape onto a plastic base.


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