487th Bomb group emblem question

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Johnny Signor

Airman 1st Class
Jan 5, 2008
Hello,anyone out there know of the time frame and or designer for the emblem of the 487th BG that had the following details and was on a window in the Lavenham Air base officiers Bar, emblem on a blue shield a large yellow aerial bomb nose pointing towards right bottom corner tail to upper left corner,above bomb on right a Sagorro catus in yellow and below bomb on left a Joshua Tree in yellow, above shield a ribbon bar of alternating yellow and blueand atop ribbon on left a side view of a B-24 and to the right a side view of a B-17 and between them a white star w/red dot center and two blue wings upraised one each side of star, at shield bottom a motto scroll/ribbon with the words "Strength and Precision" scroll is yellow w/blue or black words.
This emblem was later replaced by the "Gentlemen From Hell" design, anyone who can help with the first design Please contact me at
[email protected]
Thank you !!!!!
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