5th AAF 43rd BG 64th sq

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Dec 13, 2006
I am looking for any information I can find on my wife's grandfather's plane. He was a copilot on a B-24 "Joe Cox" I believe was the name of the plane. I have been to the Ken's Men website which focus' on the 43rd BG, and found a photo of him, but I am looking for info on the plane. Would really like to find a photo of it. Bought a 1/48 model for wife's cousin for Christmas, and would really like to be able to show him his grandfather's airplane.
Hello to u too pal....

Might help if u supply the copilots name and/or plane serial number.... My meager resourses dont show an aircraft named Joe Cox within the 43rd, but there was a 2nd Lt Pilot named Joe Cox in the 64th....

Yeah, I guess that would help, wouldn't it.

Crew names are: 2nd Lt. Joe C. Cox (P); 2nd Lt. James F. Clark (CP); 2nd Lt. Osbaldo Garza (N); 2nd Lt. Norman M. Phelps (B); S\Sgt Harry J. Strickland (E); S\Sgt Paul R. Krause, Jr.. (R); S\Sgt Francis L. Clancy (AE); S\Sgt Francis T. Hunter (AR); S\SgtRalph Milligan (G); S\Sgt Joseph diGilio (AG)

Picture of crew from the Ken's Men website:


  • B-24 Joe Cox Crew.jpg
    77 KB · Views: 213
Hello. My grandfather is 2nd Lt. James F. Clark. He dies many years ago and unfortunately I do not have much info. I do however have many photos. What info do you have? My grandfather was a pilot and flew a plane with cameras in the bomb bays which I have photos of as well. The pyramids in Egypt and many other beautiful imiages.

Lets see the pics!!!!!

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