Greetings one and all from Alba (Scotland)This is my first post which has come about owing to some research i'm currently undertaking-please allow me to explain. I am the grandson of Sqdn.Ldr. C.W.C.Hamilton,D.F.C., who joined the R.A.F.V.R. in 1938 and served until 1947. During this time he served with Coastal Command (27 ops) in 1940 and again during 1944/45 with 625 and 617 squadrons (a combined total of 36 ops). He also put in an appearance during the Berlin airlift with the first civilian outfit called in- Inflight Refuelling Ltd?- and piloted the tanker plane (Lancastrian) used to demonstrate to both the U.S.A.A.F's and R.A.F.'s top brass this crazy new notion of juicing-up whilst on the wing! He was awarded a Master Air Pilot's diploma (No.300) by The Guild of Master Air Pilots and Air Navigators in 1960. So why am I telling you all this? The answer is that I need some advice on what to do with all the logbooks, photographs and other related bits and bobs, one of which is a 625 Squadron armorial wall plaque, presumably going with grandfather when he moved on to 617 Squadron in early 1945. Is there a 625 Squadron museum or anything remotely similar? They will have to wait 'til i'm dead though. I sincerely appreciate your forbearance in reading this far and look forward to hearing from you. Love the site-there seems to be quite a few interesting characters around. Cheers! p.s. Please be gentle as i've only been computer-illiterate for a very short time!
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