A-1 "Skyraider"

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HealzDevo said:
Still it seems a rather odd way of doing things. Even if it was standardized. Still a lot of information was surpressed about some failures, even still there is doubt over whether we know of all of them... Quite odd and ecentric aircraft were developed during the 50s like the Pogo and that. The Pogo was an attempt to create a VTOL fighter that failed. Still Area 51 could be used to hide some of those failures. (Looks around for any US Government CIA agents...)

I could tell you that these "failures" were never hidden from the public once the cat was out of the bag. The XFV-1 was indeed a failure but was never hidden from the public's eye. It was actually on display in 1978 during an open house at Lockheed's Burbank facility. As far as Area 51 being used to hide there aircraft, well as a former Lockheed employee with 10.5 years employment and a veteran of the U-2, SR-71 and F-117A programs, I could tell you that none of these "failures" are being hidden there. Read about the PAO (Public Accounting Office) it's actually really hard to hide anything except if its a DARPA activity....
" far as Area 51 being used to hide there aircraft, well as a former Lockheed employee with 10.5 years employment and a veteran of the U-2, SR-71 and F-117A programs"

F22 Raptor, B2-Spirit and Mimic designs of Alien Spacecraft:)
102first_hussars said:
" far as Area 51 being used to hide there aircraft, well as a former Lockheed employee with 10.5 years employment and a veteran of the U-2, SR-71 and F-117A programs"

F22 Raptor, B2-Spirit and Mimic designs of Alien Spacecraft:)

The F-22 was never there. It was flown out of Edwards and Dobbins AFB (that was the last program I worked on before leaving Lockheed). The First two prototypes were hand built at Burbank and trucked to Edwards were they were assembled and used for the YF-22/ YF-23 flyoff. The B-2 was built in Plant 42, Palmdale CA. The first one was flown directly to Edwards and the rest were produced right there at Plant 42, again the B-2 never seen Area 51.

The SR-71, U-2 and F-117A were built in Burbank, and trucked or flown in pieces to Area 51 for final assembly and production test flight. During the summer of 1980 through 1982 C-5s would land at Burbank Airport, pick up sub assemblies of the F-117A and fly them out, usually at night....

As far as space ships, I cannot confirm or deny....
Actually Avero Canada Tried to develop flying Saucers for the USAF, didnt work out but quite pathetic nevertheless


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Nonskimmer said:
102first_hussars said:
Actually Avero Canada Tried to develop flying Saucers for the USAF, didnt work out but quite pathetic nevertheless
Hmmm, I'm surprised the RCAF didn't give those a whirl. :-k


Actually the USAF wasnt going to test them before we did
(for safety reasons)

Anyway I think it got like 3ft off the ground before it exploded.
102first_hussars said:
Nonskimmer said:
102first_hussars said:
Actually Avero Canada Tried to develop flying Saucers for the USAF, didnt work out but quite pathetic nevertheless
Hmmm, I'm surprised the RCAF didn't give those a whirl. :-k


Actually the USAF wasnt going to test them before we did
(for safety reasons)

Anyway I think it got like 3ft off the ground before it exploded.

They actually made hovercraft out of them....
Well if you saw them in Michigan and North Dakota, I would say yes. They're coffee shops, not really restaurants. You can get soup and sandwich specials for lunch, but for the most part it's just coffee, donuts, and "Timbits".

The best damn coffee on the planet, I might add. ;)
I love the stuff.

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