A few more future releases.

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I agree there - can be very confusing and frustrating.

Sometimes yes, but when revell rebox an expensive Hasegawa kit I don't mind it too much and I'm sure most others wouldn't either. Browsing zhe interweb usually gives some pretty decent information on what you're dealing with.
So next time I buy a box of Cheerios, I'll need to surf the net to make sure I don't actually get Cap'n Crunch. It's still wrong if they don't state it clearly on the box.
Some very interesting stuff there Karl! The B-24 was a good kit, glad to see it back.
I looked it up but found no details other than a retail price of $42.95. That seems high for a re-boxing of the old kit so maybe it is a new one. That would be interesting although I don't think I would get one. I've had the old B-24D half made in the box for ten years. Got to the point where I was going to glue the wings on and realized if I did I would have no place to put it, so back in the box it went.
Not to change the subject, but I found out yesterday that Great Wall has a 1/48 TBD-1 due for release at the end of Jan. 2012. It should be interesting to see how they improve over the old Monogram kit. Yes GWH can improve the fit, provide recessed panel lines, a decent torpedo mount and good wing fold detail but that is about all the old kit needs. Skills can improve those problems. If GWH can keep the price down below $50 I might buy one, otherwise I will just pull another Monogram TBD of the pile.
50 is a little steep for me, I wish they could get the prices under 20, I feel they are really hosing us with these prices.
50 is a little steep for me, I wish they could get the prices under 20, I feel they are really hosing us with these prices.

I agree 100%. In my opinion, companies like Trumpeteer, Hobby Boss and Great Wall Hobbies are ultimatly hurting the hobby by keeping the prices so high that kids that might want to build a model can't afford it and turn the X-Box back on. And if that weren't enough, detail on some of these high priced kits is so bad we often have to buy after market parts to make a decent model. No excuse for this. In the end though, we are at least as much to blame. We don't bitch loud and long, and we shell out good money for this overpriced plastic.
They will price what the market will sustain. I think you need to include Tamiya in your list of offenders, pricing their new 1/32 kits at over a hundred smacks, at least initially. And on the other end of the spectrum, kudos to ICM for offering great value.

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