A little help needed GB19 Nose Art

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
I guess I have to start another one for this build.... am I the only one needing help????

I'm looking for straight on back views of the engine exhaust arrangement. This photo taken from the web, shows and oblique view but I have been trying to find straight on views of the lower and side stacks for the exhaust. ***Pipes are 6 on the bottom and 5 one side, 3 the other, 14 total.

The kit has the dimples for the lower exhaust, and no pipes and I would like to cut them and add the pipes.

Any help has always been gratefully accepted.



  • BG19 A-20 3.jpg
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Thanks Wurger, that solves one of the big mysteries.

The curved stainless shroud under the exhausts in the photo is straight in the kit and the engine cover fits and is glued against it. When in fact it is fitted to the green painted frame encircling the engine. I have do it a bit different and will have to take another look to see how to make it more accurate. Maybe a big flange behind the engine for the cover to fit onto like the photo.

Once again you come up with the goods!!! Thanks.

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