A new book in my library. (5 Viewers)

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Finally found one at a decent price, soooo.....snap! :oops:

The Lancaster Manual: The Official Air Publication for the Lancaster Mk I and III 1942-1945 (RAF Museum)

All the essential technical details, including instructions for ground crews, handling and flying notes, electrical and radio equipment, airframe design and armament, are to be found within these pages, affording a uniquely authoritative - indeed definitive - reference source on the Lancaster Marks I and III.


All in all, 521 pages of Avro Lancaster!

Recently received the following two. The first one I got based on the conversation we had about it from several folks that had purchased it - what a real gem! I love the Zwilling concept.

The 2nd one I have been looking for over a year and finally found a copy at a price that I got to keep my first born. It is the best book I have found yet that covered the Chinese Air Force in WW2, 320 pages of pure goodness!

book 77.jpg
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More pics to follow, when I've been able to decide what to share.... :lol:

All I can say now though, if you like or are going to build the Uhu, GET THE BOOKS!

The No. 311 Squadron book, is also a good investment!
Hey Jan, if you don't mind can you check to see if there is any info on the B-2 version of the He 219? There was a thread started by somebody looking for it and we could only come up with very little. Thanks!
The seaplane book looks sweet, even if it's mostly written in French!

Jan the 219 books look like must haves, even at that price. Motivated me to get this, which looks to dovetail nicely with yours...


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